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  • Student Leadership

    Student Leadership

    There are numerous opportunities and roles available for our students to engage in leadership opportunities.  Our Sixth Form students run the Leadership Collective which oversees all elements of student leadership across the school.  Opportunities such as Student Councillor, Lunch Queue monitor, Librarian, allow for students to experience leadership developing their skills of communication and wider school awareness.  The Leadership Collective comprises of the Sixth Form students in the Student Executive which is the top level of student leadership in the school and the House Captains who help run our thriving House system, who in turn co-ordinate lower-school Vice Captains as new leaders. 

    Our Sixth Form students can also become Academic Mentors, Peer Mentors, where they are trained in the Hayes safeguarding training, and Subject Ambassadors who are involved in a number of our transition activities with our Year 11 students.  We are incredibly proud of our leadership culture at DHSG, and we preside over an integrated and co-ordinated system where leadership opportunities exist for all students at various different levels of the school.   

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