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  • Pastoral


    Name of Head of Department

    Dr D Parry, BSc, MSc, PhD, PGCE

    Introduction to the department

    Students at Devonport High School for Girls are well cared for by a dedicated pastoral support team. All students join one of four Houses; the Form Tutors support students on a daily basis through Years 7–11, whilst the Heads of House monitor their progress and welfare, celebrate their achievements and provide additional support when required. We aim to get to know each student individually so that we can develop the academic and inter-personal skills required to make a successful transition to post-16 study and life beyond school.

    Our pastoral support begins after Easter with transitional visits to students' primary schools, an induction day and after school sports for Year 6 students. New Year 7 students are integrated into life at Devonport High School for Girls with the help of Transition buddies, who are Year 8 students, while specially trained Sixth Form academic and pastoral mentors are also available. Year 7 students also take part in a team building activity in September at Escot Park.

    Curriculum Programmes of Study


    Cycle Content

    Year 7

    Cycle 1

    Time management and home learning
    New experiences and risk
    Making and maintaining friendship
    Coping with peer pressure
    Personal hygiene

    Cycle 2

    Benefits of clubs and hobbies
    Using Unifrog to explore careers information
    The role of Government
    Contribution of LGBT+ community to society (LGBT+ History Month)
    Maintaining mental health (Time to Talk Day)
    Budgeting pocket money
    Developing and maintaining family relationships
    Romantic relationships
    Importance of getting and staying fit

    Cycle 3

    Effects of smoking and vaping
    Using Unifrog to identify skills and record activities
    Microaggressions and Hate Incidents
    Effects of alcohol
    Personal safety
    Effects of sleep on emotional wellbeing
    British Values
    Basic First Aid
    Offensive weapons
    Interests and your dream job
    Diversity and tolerance

    Year 8

    Cycle 1

    Setting new routines
    Maintaining positive friendships, resolving conflict
    Anger management
    Improving and maintaining emotional wellbeing
    Recognising success in future careers

    Cycle 2

    Skin care
    Career research (Unifrog)
    Contribution of LGBT+ community to society (LGBT+ History Month)
    Maintaining mental health (Time to Talk Day)
    Different family setups
    Choosing GCSE options
    Healthy lifestyles
    Consent in relationships
    Forced marriage
    Making and maintaining safe online relationships

    Cycle 3

    Social justice and racial discrimination
    Self-esteem and body image
    Effects of smoking
    Contribution of LGBT+ community to society (LGBT+ History Month)
    Maintaining mental health (Time to Talk Day)
    Media portrayal of body image
    Stereotypes and family roles
    Legal and illegal drugs
    Competencies in Careers (Unifrog)
    Holiday safety and skin cancer

    Year 9

    Cycle 1

    Expectations of GCSE study
    Drugs and the law
    Effects of alcohol
    Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
    Adolescent relationships
    Maintaining emotional wellbeing and the effect of Social Media
    Media portrayal of body image and sex
    Attributes that make great leaders


    Cycle 2

    The value of diversity
    Understanding extremism
    Linking interests to careers plans
    Contribution of LGBT+ community to society (LGBT+ History Month)
    Maintaining mental health (Time to Talk Day)
    Domestic Violence
    Sexualised behaviour and bullying
    Global and active citizenship
    Human Rights
    Genocide and The Holocaust
    Effects of smoking


    Cycle 3

    Criminality and the Justice System
    Mock Trial
    Mental health and sleep
    Gender Equality
    Honour-based Violence
    Eating Disorders
    Your skills, your team, your future (Unifrog)
    Money Matters – taxes, payslips and part-time jobs

    Year 10

    Cycle 1

    Work Experience applications
    Managing finances
    Managing risk and gambling
    Harassment and stalking
    Identifying and dealing with Homophobia
    Knife Crime
    Costs and consequences of drugs
    Electoral systems and local government


    Cycle 2

    Unplanned pregnancy
    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
    Careers research
    Contribution of LGBT+ community to society (LGBT+ History Month)
    Maintaining mental health (Time to Talk Day)
    Recognising and challenging negative thinking patterns
    Exam technique
    Humanitarianism in Society


    Cycle 3

    Sexual orientation
    Family Life
    Revision Techniques
    Contacting the work experience placement
    Careers – what makes a great team player? (Unifrog)
    Careers – Escape Room activity (Unifrog)
    University of Plymouth Open Day visit

    Year 11

    Cycle 1

    Organ donation
    Contribution of LGBT+ community to society (LGBT+ History Month)
    Maintaining mental health (Time to Talk Day)
    Writing a CV
    A-level choices


    Cycle 2

    Organ donation
    Contribution of LGBT+ community to society (LGBT+ History Month)
    Maintaining mental health (Time to Talk Day)
    Writing a CV
    A-level choices


    Cycle 3

    Post-16 Intentions (Unifrog)
    Final preparation for GCSE examinations
    Public examinations

    Extra-curricular activities

    • Year 7 Teambuilding trip to Escot Park
    • Year 7 Fundraising for LEPRA
    • Year 8 Extended Project (EP8) and presentations
    • Year 9 Residential activities week in Bude
    • Year 10 trip to the University of Plymouth Open Day and Skills South West
    • Year 10 Work Experience
    • Year 11 Matters - study skills, stress management, sex education
    • Charity Week - All years

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