DofE Gold
During the February break, 50 students and 6 staff travelled by coach to Folgaria, Italy for a week of skiing and to sample the delights of Italian cuisine, hospitality and culture.
One of our uniform suppliers, Adelie, is running a spring sale via their website for our uniform.
Recent sporting achievements by DHSG students'
Students at Devonport High School for Girls are celebrating fantastic GCSE exam results this year. 98% of students achieved a strong GCSE pass (grade 5 or above) in both English and Mathematics. Students, on average, achieved a Grade 8, and 1/3 of all results awarded were Grade 9s (the highest possible grade). Although yet unvalidated, the progress score for the school is likely to place DHSG and students in the top 10% of schools in the country.
Congratulations to our amazing Year 13 students on their A Level Results
It’s not every day that a massive state-of-the-art boat rocks up on the DHSG field at lunchtime.
DHSG School News Stories
A-Level students took part in a very thought-provoking online Euroscola event recently.
Our Young Enterprise team ‘Fuzzy Future’ were given an exciting opportunity to take part in a virtual Dragons' Den event today to help them prepare for the Devon and Somerset Showcase Final in May @YEDevonUK @youngenterprise