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Classical Civilisation

Head of Department

Mr E Lamb, BA (Hons), NPQSL, PGCE

To engage with the Classical world is to engage with the foundations of Western civilisation. The ghosts of this amazing world still speak to us today in the form of a range of learning. We study literature, in particular the Odyssey and the Aeneid, and the notions of the Greek and Roman heroes through these seminal works. We also look at the image of the first Emperor Augustus, and how art was used to portray the Imperial image. Finally, we look at the part played by religion in society and how the Olympian Gods were portrayed, as well as the importance of sacrifice and feasting. 

Higher Education and career opportunities 

The study of A Level Classical Civilisation leads to Higher Education opportunities in History, Law, Drama, English, History, International Studies, Classical studies and aspects of Human Social and Political Science. 

Course Content

Examination Board


Full details of the specification and assessment criteria can be found on the OCR website

Classical Civilisation - H408

A Level

Paper 1

Component 1 – 40% The World of the Hero An in-depth study of Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid. This component looks at two of the foundational works of western literature. It explores a range of themes, from love to our relationship with the Divine and looks at the notion of being a hero from the Greek and Roman perspective. 


Paper 2

Component 2 – 30% Imperial Image Though literature and art, we look at how Octavian presented himself as Augustus after the death of Julius Caesar. We look at imperial imagery, and the sophistication of the first Emperor’s political messaging. 


Paper 1

Component 3 – 30% Greek Religion This topic looks at the importance of religion in Greek society from the nature of the Olympian Gods, personal experiences with the Divine such as cults, and also religion in wider society such as blood sacrifices and the role religion played.

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