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DHSG is committed to providing a full and effective educational experience for all students. We believe that if students are to fully benefit from education, excellent attendance is crucial. Irregular attendance undermines the educational process and can lead to educational and social disadvantage. As a school, we will do all that we can to ensure maximum attendance for all students. Any problems that prevent full attendance will be identified and addressed as speedily as possible.

Why is good attendance important?

Good attendance at school is vital for students to achieve their full educational potential and enhance opportunities for further education and work placements.

As well as good attendance being a legal requirement, research has also proved that students with good attendance records benefit in the following ways:

  • Improved performance in coursework tasks
  • Enhanced performance in examinations
  • Continuity of relationships and friendships
  • Good references for further education or employment
  • Good habits are formed for later life
  • Less likely to become involved in anti-social behaviour

What constitutes good attendance?

National data for Secondary School attendance tells us that the benchmark for good attendance is 95% (ASP). This is the standard for comparison that is used by OFSTED to make judgements and as a school we will use this to set a threshold of 95% attendance when defining what constitutes good attendance and for considering an application for leave of absence.

  • 100% = excellent attendance
  • 98% = very good attendance
  • 95% = good attendance
  • 94% - 90% = concerning
  • Below 90% is a serious cause for concern and is seen to be persistent absence (PA)

Therefore, we will:

  • Encourage full attendance and punctuality
  • Keep an accurate and up-to-date record of attendance
  • Inform parents/carers of attendance and punctuality issues
  • Identify causes of non-attendance and take action
  • Improve attendance of individuals, groups and the School
  • Work with appropriate agencies to support good attendance & punctuality
  • Acknowledge and reward a successful record of attendance through our rewards system
  • Work towards 100% attendance for each individual during the academic year

Please consult our Attendance Policy for further information.

Leave of Absence in Term Time

Please click the button below, to make a request for a leave of absence during term time.


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