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Devonport High School for Girls

Design an electric toothbrush and educational app.

Year 8’s Enterprise day task was to design an electric toothbrush aimed at children aged between three and five or six and eight, as well as an accompanying educational app that encourages them to brush their teeth. Everyone agreed that the key enterprising skills of communication, teamwork, initiative, problem-solving, organisation, leadership and creativity were evidenced by all teams throughout the day. The judges had to make very difficult decisions when judging the final creative presentations in the afternoon. Well done to all of Year 8 for working so hard throughout the day.

Congratulations to the winning team group 17 in 8E, and also to the runners-up group 4(8H) and group 23(8K).

Year 8 Enterprise Day – Review by Alice Pond, 8E

On the 26th of January, Year 8 were assigned the task of designing a brand new electric toothbrush with an educational app to go alongside it. The target market was 3-5 or 6-8 year olds. We worked in groups, which as students we selected, and together we were set different tasks to complete: Business name, advertising and promotion, logo/brand, mascot/character, the educational app and the toothbrush itself. The different tasks helped us develop and bring together all the ideas as a team which resulted in a final product we were really proud of. Throughout the day we were being judged on our communication, team and problem-solving skills.

Some of our main ideas to attract the younger generation were based on their favourite TV characters and movies. We focused on those that have not only brushed their teeth with children, but educationally improved their knowledge and their parent’s knowledge of oral health hygiene. Year 8 really benefited from this information too, making our toothbrushes really opened our minds to shocking statistics on oral health in the UK. Did you know 28% of children do not brush their teeth before school?

Overall I think (and I am sure the rest of Year 8 agree) that these Enterprise Days really develop so many important skills such as presenting ideas, excelling in ways you may not in other subject’s communication, teamwork and self-confidence.

Student comments about their day

‘’We enjoyed Enterprise Day, we learnt that teamwork and creativity are important skills in Business. I am proud of my team and what we have achieved today.’’ - Group 1

‘’We really loved the concept of today. It was really fun and it taught us about teamwork and persevering. There was something for everyone to do.’’ - Group 4

"We have co-operated as a team and compromised to make better ideas together. We have learnt about teamwork and how important leadership is in a team." - Group 19

"We enjoyed the creative freedom to create our own business plan. We learnt that working in a team is better than working alone. We enjoyed learning about Business and Enterprise from this fun opportunity". - Group 20

"Group 7 all agreed that during Enterprise day, our teamwork, listening skills, focus and problem-solving strengthened immensely. We made sure to incorporate everyone’s ideas and thoughts, and if someone idea wasn’t chosen they got to use their idea for another design. In the end, we all worked well together and had our thoughts listened to and used." - Group 7